My beliefs and world view

I have a naturalistic world view, which means, for example, that I don't believe in supernatural entities.

This does not mean that I am immoral. It only means that I'm deriving my ethics and morality from sources other than from a fear of divine retribution or expectation of divine delights in the afterlife.

I hold that we all have only this life upon this wonderful Earth, and thus we should make the most of it while here. Our lives only meaning is to bring happiness to ourselves and to our loved ones. In our pursuit of happiness we must not harm others' pursuit of the same; optimally, people should have equal opportunity for it.

I am a Bright.

I am a strong believer in freedom of religion; it is not mine or anyone's business to dictate what other people believe in. In the same vein I loathe those who prey on the vulnerable; people who have lost family, who are desperate and have nowhere to go. In short, I hate cults. For example, I'm very critical of the Church (cult) of Scientology. Make your own opinion by studying the material.

I hold that religious fundamentalism, be it fundamentalist Christianity or fundamentalist Islam, is destructive. Small-minded people trying to push their beliefs, their interpretation of their sacred text to everybody else. Lives of "different" people, like homosexuals or otherwise differing from the norm are destroyed or otherwise hampered if they happen to be born to a fundamentalist community. Believe what you will, but remember that the person next to you has to be able to do so, too.

I am a skeptic; I believe it if it has proof. "Proof" can mean that I've seen a thing and been satisfied that the phenomenon was not trickery (ear candles, psychic performances etc. all fall under trickery). It can mean that at least two reputable sources have reported of the phenomenon and verified it. It can mean that the phenomenon is mundane, and I can explain it myself. The former definition of "proof" is because nothing in this world outside pure logic can actually be proven without any doubt. It is only by (very strong) conjecture that we know that the Sun rises tomorrow. It might not.

I am a member of Skepsis.

I am a patriot. I believe I owe the fallen soldiers and veterans of the Winter War and the Continuation War for the chance to live a happy, peaceful life. I'm a nationalist in the dictionary sense, not in the die-hard right-wing definition of the word, which I feel is just another form of fundamentalism. I feel that blaming immigrants or refugees for Finland's problems with, for example, unemployment, is cheap populism.

