text() Kakasi web frontend

Kakasi web frontend

Converts text, between japanese characters (kanji, hiragana, katakana) and romaji (latin alphabets).

Type/copypaste your input here:

Select action:
Convert as if it was EUC-JP in an ISO-8859-15 terminal
Convert as if it was EUC-JP in an ISO-8859-1 terminal
Convert as if it was SHIFT-JIS in a ISO-8859-1 terminal
Convert Japanese to rômaji using KAKASI
Translate Japanese to English using Babelfish (does not translate romaji!)
Translate Japanese to English using Excite (does not translate romaji!)
Translate English to Japanese using Babelfish
Translate English to Japanese using Excite
Convert English to rômaji using deeng

(Note: The translation options will redirect to the translator websites.)