Japanese verb deconjugator

Traces back the inflections of a verb or an adjective.

Verb or adjective: (in any form)
Hiragana encoding: (select the one supported by your browser)
(skip some guesses)
(include obvious fails)
> (ignore dictionary)

(deconjugates the word)

|->Score 4: "oisikunakattadesu" seems like Polite copula, Present / attributive; radical=""
| |->Score 5: "oisikunakatta" seems like Adjective, Past / present perfect; radical=""
| | |->Score 2: "oisikuna" seems like Class II verb (-eru/-iru, ichidan), Negative (incomplete); radical=""
| | | |->Score 2: "oisiku" seems like Adjective, Predicative / adverbial (incomplete); radical="oisi"
| | | |---> Basic Adjective form could be   oishii (lookup/conjugate).

Written by Bisqwit (https://bisqwit.iki.fi/)

See also: Paul Burchard's verb tables

Disclaimer: The accuracy of the operation of this deconjugator is strictly limited to the progress of my Japanese studies.