
This program removes changes package markup from LaTeX documents. It was written because none of the existing regular expression based scripts actually worked on any sort of complex markup. This program (written in Rust) is not based on regular expressions, but has an actual semi-proper parser.

Installation and usage

  1. Install Rust following instructions.
  2. To compile and install the program (typically in ~/.cargo/bin/), run
    cargo install --path=.
    If you would prefer just building or running the program without installing, use cargo build or cargo run.
  3. To process a document, use
    strip-changes-markup input.tex -o output.tex

For further options, such as whitespace and comment stripping, use the --help argument (cargo run -- --help when running through cargo without installing).


Included is also a plug-in replacement changes-simple package for LaTeX, that is less likely to blow up with broken journal styles than the more complex changes package.


strip-changes-markup is available from its Mercurial repository. You may either use Mercurial to clone the entire repository or you may download a snapshot as a zip or tarball. To clone use the command

hg clone

Contributing, distributing, derivative works

If you would like to contribute to this project, simply clone the repository and email me a hg bundle of your changes.

This software may be redistributed and derivate works may be created under the terms of the Anti-abuse License.