Drill Warrior

Drill Warrior (2010)

Drill Warrior is an entry to the 19th Ludum Dare 48 hour game development competition. Given theme was “Discovery”.

I wasn’t much of a mood to make something “innovative”, so I settled for a quite basic concept. However, for some reason, I wanted to add a “shop” in the game, which was a good excuse for making a small selection of different kind of equipment to use.

On technical side there is a similar rendering trick I used in Rock Warrior, used to draw ground tiles as overlapping irregular lumps instead of plain rectangles. To have some sort of optimal resource usage challenge, I also added a “scanner” which allows you to peek in a limited area, in hope to easily spot diamonds to be collected.

The game doesn’t have much of a balance and there’s just a single level. For audio stuff, I composed some module music with Schism Tracker and created sound effects with Sfxr, like I have done quite a few times.

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