Kanjisearch - Select by Four Corner coding

Select by Four Corner coding

Detailed help with examples is available about the Four Corner coding system. It is recommended reading, although I found SKIP codes much easier to use...

Select the shape for each corner.

0: 亠 (lid)
1: 一 (horizontal line)
2: | (vertical line)
3: 丶 (dot)
4: 十 (cross)
5: キ (skewer)
6: 口 (box)
7: 厂 (angle)
8: 八 (hachi)
9: 小 (chiisai)
Left top corner:0123456789
Right top corner:0123456789
Left bottom corner:0123456789
Right bottom corner:0123456789
"Fifth" corner:0123456789

..or input the code directly here: (example: 4000.0)